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Boys in blue at the Opera House - again!!


21 November 2007

Almost sixty members signed up for the gig of the year - a massed choir concert at the Opera House, accompanied by the Regimental Bands of the Royal Welsh and University of NSW Regiments.

The program was the most ambitious that we have ever sung - seventeen challenging four part harmony items, several of them sung in Welsh. The performance was the culmination of four months solid preparation for the choir.

The Concert itself was preceded by a three hour rehearsal on the previous day at the Pitt Street Uniting Church, and further staging and rehearsing at the Opera House on Sunday morning. Following the Concert some 260 singers and family took off on a Harbour Cruise which may have been the nost melodious ever!!

The ARC received an informal invitation ot participate in a similar Gala Concert late in 2008 at the Carnegie Hall, and will be an enthusiastic starter for the next Opera House Gala Concert for massed male voice choirs in two years time.

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